Monday, January 5, 2009
For the First of the New Year:
Thoughts about Hell!
Who has described Hell the best? Dante's Inferno? Poe? The Bible? Horror writer Lovecraft? Some modern-day film makers? Nightmare on Elm Street is actually the first film I caught glimpses of hell itself. Genuine evil was not only being depicted, but was authentically alive.
But what is hell? Hell, scripturally speaking, is a place where God pulls away His love. The longer I live the more I realize the importance of "thoughts". Everyday thoughts. Every minute, every detail of every split second of thinking, is like you being moved on an immense galactic map of unknown proportions. The moment you stop to think, you are capturing distances and positions on that map. Hell, is where you somehow move about both a known and unknown world. Where every microscopic slice of thought pulls you, moves you, sets you traveling, carving a niche for the next thought.
Without God's love, you 'bang' into everything on this 'map'. You stumble everywhere in constant, perpetual motion with each turning of each thought, because God is no longer there. Tumble over the vast and the small. The outsider looking in would observe a fool at his genius best, fully corrupted man in his finest hour, traveling to better and better moments of foolish and corrupted slices of time.
This is Hell...where God pulls away His love and man is returned to his far fall from perfect love.
Monday, September 22, 2008
It's no longer fascinating that many hard held beliefs fall to new discoveries. Take the speed of light for instance: one hundred and eighty some thousand miles per second, or close to 8 times around the world second flat.
Ol' Albert Einstein claimed light cannot go faster than...light itself. Imagine a day when discovered are things moving faster than light. About ten years ago observations from astronomers concerning an exploding star or galaxy in some remote part of the sky had a jet of 'something' moving away from the explosion at a rate faster than light. Never read a follow up to that, but think of a discovery someday of..... superlight. What is it? Well, it's there, but you can't see the darned thing because traveling faster than what we may call 'Einsteinien light', superlight becomes instantly dark.
The high-velocity superlight travels veeerrry faaarrr distances in a veeeerrry short period of time. It can replay the universe like someone replays a CD. And may even have a faster 'friend'. Now I read that CD's are on their way out to be replaced by something called Slots. Not Casino style, but a little fancy item that holds hundreds and hundreds, perhaps thousands of songs. Oh well, I was beginning to look at my CDs as getting a bit antiquated and wondering when the heck they were going to come up with something new anyway. Now there's about that DVD that could hold a dozen full length movies and was no more than 3 inch in diameter...?
Labels: Einstein, gravity no-gravity hi-tech battery Isaac Newton, Kepler, speed of light
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
More than you may want to Imagine!
Thinking that we are alone in the universe is ...well, silly? Or downright stupid?
Think about this: many of the billions of stars we see up in the night sky are the part of a wheel we live in space called the Milky Way. Each of the billions of stars has a whole lot of planets revolving around them. And there are billions and billions of "wheels". And "disks". And "hat-like" clusters. You say there is no intelligent life somewheres out there? Well...
...first... look up at a starry night sky...and as you do, think about those billions of suns and trillions of worlds out there and numbers beyond numbers. As you get a good picture in your mind at what you are looking at, the vast immense stars and planets, then slowly ...slowly let your eyes move down until they look upon the landscape of this little earth that we are all standing on. And think this: Here is what just one of those worlds look like. Look around.
If you catch the reality of this glance at your earthly-homestead after the stare out into the deep realms of space and all its wonder, that jolt of what it all means may hit you with at least a few sparks to create a little light. That may be all you need to appreciate the heavens a little more, and be amazed!
Labels: aliens, outer space, planets, stars, UFOs
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thoughts on President
Abraham Lincoln,
and Democrat Presidential
Barack Obama~
If it was possible, that someone, somewhere, somehow, got to go back into time and whisper in President Abraham Lincoln's ear the name Barack Obama, and showed him a photograph of the first black Presidential nominee, would Abraham Lincoln have wept? Likely he would have stared at that photo for a long, long while, recalling the anguish he saw in his lifetime, the anger of the civil war, the history of slavery in America and the men who fought to abolish it. It would have struck Abraham in the heart with a sense of promise like he may have never known before.
But then, perhaps like in the movie Men in Black, a flash of a hand held object erased ol' Abe's memory of the event, and all that was left was the reality of a divided America in turmoil over the issue of slavery.
Of course, in the year of 2008, there are things I cannot agree with Barack Obama. Abortion takes center stage. I cannot understand how a Christian, as he says he is, cannot read the pertinent passages in scripture and understand the sanctity of unborn life. It seems to fall upon the deaf ears of Speaker Pelosi as well. What vital enzyme are they missing in their logic? Even the Roman Catholic archbishop came out and told Pelosi she was wrong.
I would certainly hope for the best for Barack Obama. God has a way of engulfing seemingly simple men with a seemingly superior passion of strong principals and drive, tho broken human that man in general may be. Certainly Barack Obama exudes promise, a sense of clarity, purpose and energy, tho all the reasons behind it may be hard to explain. Lincoln, on the other hand, would look mostly on promise, of promise achieved, and a sense that America has grown tall in maturing as a nation.
Labels: Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, Democrats, Republican founder
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thoughts about Seeing
This World Anew
Since breaking thru the sound-barriers of the Christian faith and entering those written-about ethereal experiences... I have become frequently...well the word isn't exactly 'amazed', but more like 'surprised' what I missed in the years growing up: that is to say, in those everyday meanings of general conversation . For instance, as to what things actually meant even in idle conversation. And serious conversation as well. Or in just simple 'talk' over the backyard fence with a neighbor. Or across a dinner table. Then there are those passing comments you never give a second thought to. Or never take into consideration the innuendos and shades of meanings. Or remarks that throw light or shade on the talker and the talkee. Somehow, I missed all that.
Everything back then didn't have shades of meaning. They were blunt traumas of white and dark. Bright and grey. Strong and weak. Sometimes, nothing at all. Skipped over and passed by with not the nudge of respect for any existence whatsover that an important observation went unobserved. Now, so many years later, I catch those tides and turns. I see how the body glides thru and cuts thru the waves to make it to the shore. Back then, what mattered if I floated as a dead body onto the sand of some distant unknown continent. I was young. Life meant nothing so deep as the cutting grooves on an old vinyl recording. It was smooth for all I knew and it played music according to my own ears that made sufficient sense to get by thru the day.
Now I see people stopped in their tracks by the few key words placed in pertinent references along the thoughts expressed as a compliment. Where was I all the while back then? I missed out on another world of living people.
What was I? A bouncing bottle sent afloat from one continent to some magical world across the ocean? If so, I finally arrived, and God opened the bottle and dumped me out back into life, this time with an eye or two open. And an ear or two opened as well. Then, some may say, well isn't that what growing up and maturing is all about? To them I say, "You see those old cranky grown ups with absolutely no clue as to what's happening around them. They're still floating in some bottle on that endless ocean somewhere..."
Labels: Christianity, Growing-up
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
More Idle Thoughts while waiting to get inspiration and motivation to do a sales call:
Think of all the businesses gone because of new marketplace innovation and new products. Polaroid-Land Camera replaced by digital cameras. The only use of Polaroid is their having sold the name to a company now selling cameras and products. Or the corner instant printing shop, now vanishing or replaced by shops with quicker copy machines requiring little expertise. Photographic film, disappearing because of the digital chip.
Then there is the home computer: it replaces a thousand reference points: watch movies, listen to radio stations from all over the world; order anything, keep track of airlines, use as a phone, read and order books;watch from millions of videos, see your house from outer space or street level, explore planets; physically move cameras on the Eiffel Tower in Paris to scan the crowds, info sources from a million+ areas. And ALL from a one little squarish box. Who would have ever thought of it before?
Well, actually, no one did.
And it'll likely be like that in the future.
How about a product that replaces ten thousand other products? Or a million? Or more? Or...?
Who would've thought?
Monday, August 4, 2008
Idle thoughts while waiting for a ride:
The old equation goes like this: If you go faster than the speed of light, you should go back into time. In works in astronomy. It works in a Collider (see my other post on archives). It works something like that with satellites. Satellite clocks are not of the same time as on Earth because of their long duration and speed in space. If the sun were to go out..PFFFTT! would'nt know anything for at least 9 minutes. We'd be living, in a way, in the past of an event that already happened. Then I started thinking about what Christ said in scripture pertaining to events already in place along the lines of the sun disappearing and we not knowing of it for some 9 minutes--
Oops! Ride is here.
Labels: astronomy, speed of light