It's no longer fascinating that many hard held beliefs fall to new discoveries. Take the speed of light for instance: one hundred and eighty some thousand miles per second, or close to 8 times around the world second flat.
Ol' Albert Einstein claimed light cannot go faster than...light itself. Imagine a day when discovered are things moving faster than light. About ten years ago observations from astronomers concerning an exploding star or galaxy in some remote part of the sky had a jet of 'something' moving away from the explosion at a rate faster than light. Never read a follow up to that, but think of a discovery someday of..... superlight. What is it? Well, it's there, but you can't see the darned thing because traveling faster than what we may call 'Einsteinien light', superlight becomes instantly dark.
The high-velocity superlight travels veeerrry faaarrr distances in a veeeerrry short period of time. It can replay the universe like someone replays a CD. And may even have a faster 'friend'. Now I read that CD's are on their way out to be replaced by something called Slots. Not Casino style, but a little fancy item that holds hundreds and hundreds, perhaps thousands of songs. Oh well, I was beginning to look at my CDs as getting a bit antiquated and wondering when the heck they were going to come up with something new anyway. Now there's about that DVD that could hold a dozen full length movies and was no more than 3 inch in diameter...?
Labels: Einstein, gravity no-gravity hi-tech battery Isaac Newton, Kepler, speed of light
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